IBU Demo https://demo.internationalbusiness.gov.bb Doing Business in Barbados Thu, 02 Sep 2021 18:47:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.8.9 Order CV 463 of 2021 (Without Notice Application) https://demo.internationalbusiness.gov.bb/order-cv-463-of-2021-without-notice-application/ Wed, 23 Jun 2021 17:09:08 +0000 http://demo.internationalbusiness.gov.bb/?p=6478 IN THE MATTER OF A WITHOUT NOTICE

APPLICATION by the Director of Public Prosecutions of Barbados for a Terrorist Designation Order under section 8(1) (a) of the Anti-Terrorism Act, Cap. 158 (as Amended)

Downlaod the full deatails of Order CV 463 of 2021 (Without Notice Application)

Internal compliance systems and procedures- Questionnaire https://demo.internationalbusiness.gov.bb/internal-compliance-systems-and-procedures-questionnaire/ Sat, 10 Apr 2021 01:33:30 +0000 http://demo.internationalbusiness.gov.bb/?p=5894 This questionnaire is being administered pursuant to section 175 (5) of the Companies Act. The purpose of this questionnaire is to determine the adequacy of the internal compliance systems and procedures instituted by companies in order to satisfy the requirements of the Companies Act, CAP. 308. It also allows us to gauge Barbados’ position in relation to several international standards.

The survey must be completed by a Director or Corporate Secretary who is reflected in the corporate records maintained at the Corporate Affairs and Intellectual Property Office. This questionnaire is administered pursuant to section 175 (5) of the Companies Act and its completion is mandatory for all companies and societies with restricted liability registered with the Corporate Affairs and Intellectual Property Office. ONLY 1 QUESTIONNAIRE SHOULD BE COMPLETED PER COMPANY/SRL.

This questionnaire only applies to incorporated entities. This means that persons with registered business names SHOULD NOT complete this questionnaire.

This questionnaire is divided into 2 sections and adopts a checklist format for ease of completion. All questions should be answered truthfully. If you are unsure of a question, please contact us at compliance.mibi@barbadosbusiness.gov.bb or 535-2401/535-7235 for further guidance.


Order CV 193 of 2021 (Iran)​ https://demo.internationalbusiness.gov.bb/order-cv-193-of-2021-iran%e2%80%8b/ Fri, 09 Apr 2021 18:39:25 +0000 https://internationalbusiness.gov.bb/?p=5619 IN THE MATTER OF A WITHOUT NOTICE APPLICATION by the Director of Public Prosecutions of Barbados for a Counter Proliferation Order under section 10B of the Anti-Terrorism (Amendment) Act, 2019-34 AND IN THE MATTER OF the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2231(2015) and the related Sanctions Committee List with respect to Iran

For FULL details please download Order CV 193 of 2021 (Iran)​

Order CV 192 of 2021 (North Korea) https://demo.internationalbusiness.gov.bb/order-cv-192-of-2021-north-korea/ Fri, 09 Apr 2021 18:34:01 +0000 https://internationalbusiness.gov.bb/?p=5617 IN THE MATTER OF A WITHOUT NOTICE APPLICATION by the Director of Public Prosecutions of Barbados for a Counter Proliferation Order under section IOB of the Anti-Terrorism (Amendment) Act, 2019-34

AND IN THE MATTER OF the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1718 (2006) and the related Sanctions Committee List with respect to the Democratic People’s Republic of North Korea (DPRK)

Download the Full details of Order CV 192 of 2021 (North Korea)

Extension of Deadline for Completion of the Companies Questionnaire https://demo.internationalbusiness.gov.bb/notice-extension-of-deadline-for-completion-of-the-companies-questionnaire/ Thu, 08 Apr 2021 20:26:51 +0000 http://demo.internationalbusiness.gov.bb/?p=5869 The acting Registrar of the Corporate Affairs and Intellectual Property Office (CAIPO) has taken into account feedback in relation to the questionnaire exercise being conducted. As such, please note the following information in relation to the Notice dated February 19, 2021 in relation to the Companies Questionnaire:

• An extension of time has been granted until April 30th, 2021 for companies to complete the online version of the questionnaire.
• CTSP’s may upload their CTSP licence instead of identification documents.

• A hard copy of the questionnaire will be made available on CA1PO’s website for ease of reference.

• Companies not submitting the online questionnaire by April 30th, 2021, will receive a formal request sent to the registered office, for the requisite information.
• The questionnaire relates to all companies incorporated, or societies organised, in Barbados. As such, external companies are not required to complete the questionnaire.

Dated this 17th day of March, 2021

Tamiesha N. Rochester
Registrar (Ag.)
Corporate Affairs and Intellectual Property Office
Corporate Affairs and Intellectual Property Office Ground Floor BAOBAB Tower
St. Michael

Source: CAIPO

Free Economic Substance Review Seminar https://demo.internationalbusiness.gov.bb/economic-substance-review-seminar/ Thu, 25 Mar 2021 13:42:25 +0000 https://internationalbusiness.gov.bb/?p=5562 An Economic Substance Review Seminar hosted by The International Business Unit of the Ministry of International Business and BIBA, the Association for Global Business for all Corporate Trust Service Providers across sectors.
All Corporate Trust Service providers are invited to attend this important seminar.
Topics to be discussed:
Overview of Why Economic Substance
– Kevin Hunte, Director, IBU
A Brief Look at Common Queries

  • IBU Legal Team

Demonstration of the ESS system/CTSP’s Portal
IBU Regulatory Update

  • Kevin Hunte,
  • Robert Folkes,
  • Sangene Watkins
  • Shelley Blades

Lunch Break
ES Requirements Regulators Panel Discussion

  • Kevin Hunt, Director, IBU,
  • Kester Guy, CEO, FSC
  • Graeme Stoute, Legal Officer BRA
  • Jamar Arthur-Selman GM, Centralis & 1st
  • VP BIBA (Moderator)

Registration is FREE
Click to Signup

IBU continues to facilitate the Applications and the delivery of Certificates and Permits for CTSPs https://demo.internationalbusiness.gov.bb/ibu-continues-to-facilitate-the-applications-and-the-delivery-of-certificates-and-permits-for-ctsps/ Wed, 03 Feb 2021 16:01:28 +0000 https://internationalbusiness.gov.bb/?p=5449 As Barbados enters a period of National Pause, the Ministry of International  Business and Industry prays safety and protection for you, your families and  colleagues.  
During this period of pause (February 18th – 28th, 2021), the Ministry will facilitate the  submission of Applications and the delivery of Certificates and Permits as follows:  
All applications, of whatever type, which are 25 pages and over in size  are to be left in the drop box provided for such purpose on the ground  floor of Baobab Tower, Warrens, St. Michael.  
All applications under 25 pages may be filed electronically. Kindly  email Ms. Shelley Blades at Shelley.Blades@barbadosbusiness.gov.bb for instructions and access to your personalized folder on IBU’s  SharePoint platform in order to facilitate filing. 
All payments are to be made via the EZ Pay portal. 
Upon completion of examination, temporary Certificates and Permits  will be emailed to you. The original can be collected after the period  of National Pause.  
IBU thanks you for your cooperation in these matters.  

Please be guided accordingly. 

Kevin A. Hunte 

Director, International Business

Feel free to download the details of how we are facilitating the application and delivery of certificates and permits for CTSPs here.

Notice to Grand-Fathered Entities https://demo.internationalbusiness.gov.bb/notice-to-grand-fathered-entities/ Mon, 19 Oct 2020 02:41:53 +0000 https://internationalbusiness.gov.bb/?p=5269 Savings of right and benefits
Notwithstanding the repeal effected by section 2, the rights and benefits conferred upon International Business Companies under the International Business Companies Act, Cap. 77 are saved or shall cease as is hereinafter provided:
an international business company that does not hold intellectual property assets but holds a valid licence issued prior to 17th October 2017 shall be entitled to receive its benefits until 30th June 2021;
an international business company that does not hold intellectual property assets but holds a valid licence issued on or after 17th October 2017 shall cease to be entitled to any benefits after 31st December 2018;
without affecting paragraphs (a) and (b) an international business company that holds a valid licence issued on or before 30th June 2018 and also holds intellectual property assets acquired after 17th October 2017 but before 1st July 2018 where the intellectual property assets were already benefitting from a back-end regime; or the intellectual property assets were acquired from an unrelated party the company shall be entitled to receive those benefits in respect of those intellectual property assets until 30th June 2021.”
Pursuant to the above excerpt from the International Business Companies (Repeal) Act, 2018-40 (and an identical provision in the Societies with Restricted Liability Amendment Act 2018 – 47 with respect to International Societies With Restricted Liability) all companies/societies desirous of applying for a Foreign Currency Permit  under the Foreign Currency Permits Act, 2018-44 please be advised as follows:

  • All Grandfathered IBCs and ISRLs will cease to be so grandfathered after June 30th
  • All applications for the Foreign Currency Permit relating to the IBCs and ISRLs that were grandfathered and earn one hundred percent of their annual income in foreign exchange, must be submitted to the Ministry of International Business and Industry between June 1st and June 15th 2021 to ensure quick processing.
  • All applications will attract the usual fee as prescribed in the Foreign Currency Permits Act.
  • Where possible, applicants are encouraged to make payments utilizing Government’s EZpay Portal.
  • All applications must be accompanied by all required documentation in support pursuant to the Foreign Currency Permits Act.
  • All Foreign Currency Permits issued to these to be previously grandfathered entities will be dated July 1st

Please be reminded that the economic substance requirements will be applicable to all of the now grandfathered IBCs and ISRLs from January 1st 2021 providing that those grandfathered entities remain under the grandfathered regime for the remainder of 2020. Should any grandfathered entity surrender its grandfathered status between October 15th and December 31st 2020, the economic substance requirements will be applicable from the date of surrender.
Finally, kindly note that in order to continue to be eligible for benefits under the grandfathered regimes until June 30, 2021, please complete the Annual Form and pay the prescribed annual fee of (Bds$1,000.00) by December 31st 2020. If the licensee fails to pay the prescribed annual fee by that time, the licensee should pay the prescribed annual fee (Bds$1,000.00) in addition to a pecuniary penalty for the late payment (equal in the amount of the annual fee $1,000.00) by 1st February of 2021. If the fee remains unpaid after 1st February of 2021, the licensee will not be considered as having its licence renewed and will no longer be under the rubric of the grandfathered regime.
Ministry of International Business and Industry
International Business Unit
October 15, 2020

Room for growth in international business https://demo.internationalbusiness.gov.bb/room-for-growth-in-international-business/ Wed, 23 Sep 2020 17:53:01 +0000 https://internationalbusiness.gov.bb/?p=5129 The international business sector is ripe for major expansion following comprehensive changes to regulations governing the industry, Government Minister Ronald Toppin has declared.

Stakeholders in the industry have however been cautioned against complacency in their approach to manoeuvring the vital, but ever changing industry.

During an International Business Update Workshop on Friday hosted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants, Toppin, Minister of International Business, pointed to a number of measures taken by Government which resulted in the country’s removal from the EU’s Blacklist of non-cooperative tax jurisdictions in May this year.

He however stressed the improvement of business operations through innovation and technology that would be necessary to reinvigorate and diversify Barbados’ offerings in the industry.

This, he told the conference, would work hand-in-hand with Government’s promotion of transparency, compliance and effective enforcement of regulations for banks, insurance companies, intellectual property and distribution centres.

“We must also be in a position to enable the conduct and exchange of information in cases of non-compliance and high-risk cases. As you would be aware, the Barbados Companies (Economic Substance) Act 2018-41 was introduced and became effective on January 1, 2019,” said Toppin.

“It prescribes that companies involved in geographically mobile activities such as the banking business, insurance, fund management, finance and leasing, headquarters, shipping, holding companies, intellectual property and distribution and service centres, must have their business activities controlled, directed and managed from Barbados. They must also have an adequate number of employees, expenditure and physical assets relating to that activity and its core income generating activities have to be conducted in Barbados.”

Toppin predicted the new environment would eventually become a “catalyst” for the injection of tremendous investment in citizen development as well as the sector’s infrastructure.

“The obligation to implement substance in this jurisdiction represents opportunities for all of us, whether in relation to joint ventures or start-ups, the placement of technical and vocational students or university students.  It also presents opportunities for Barbados to offer non-traditional services to the world as we seek to become truly a global business hub,” he said.

Executive Director of the Institute of Chartered Accountants, Kathy-Ann Hewitt meanwhile commended Government for its improvements in the international business sector.

She however also cautioned against complacency in a sector where the goalpost is constantly shifting and encouraged stakeholders and regulators to continuously reinvent the industry’s products and structures.

“Not only are there changes in the legal and regulatory requirements of the countries from whom we want to attract business, but there is also competition for this business from many other jurisdictions,” she told the conference.

“In order therefore, for Barbados to retain existing, and continue to attract new business in this sector… we must continually monitor trends and look for new ways to expand our knowledge and stay ahead of the curve.”

Changes to the IBU’s Processes due to (COVID-19) https://demo.internationalbusiness.gov.bb/changes-to-the-ibus-processes-due-to-corona-virus-covid-19-2/ Thu, 03 Sep 2020 01:31:25 +0000 https://internationalbusiness.gov.bb/?p=5112 Economic Substance
Concerns have arisen that measures taken to prevent the spread of COVID-19, such as restrictions
on travel and voluntary and mandatory social distancing, may cause difficulties for resident companies required to meet the economic substance test pursuant to the Economic Substance Act 2019-43.
Where resident companies’ operating practices have to be adjusted in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, for example, directors who would normally travel to Barbados to be physically present at board meetings, but are now avoiding travel, self-isolating or holding meetings virtually (or via telephone), the Director would not automatically regard this activity as failing to meet the economic substance test.
Resident companies that have adjusted their operating procedures as a result of COVID-19 should clearly record in their books and records, and particularly in board minutes for meetings, when directors have not been physically present due to implementation of such measures.
Resident companies are required to notify the Director of International Business in writing whenever circumstances arise as outlined above. This notification can be emailed to the Director at kevin{dot}hunte2{at}barbados.gov.bb or to the Deputy Director (Acting) at Sangene{dot}Watkins{at}barbadosbusiness.gov.bb.
Licensing and Payment of Fees
In the event that the Ministry of International Business and Industry relocates off-site due to COVID-19 measures, guidance will be issued on the processing of applications for Foreign Currency Permits in electronic format. On approval by the Director of International Business, licences, permits and certificates will be issued also in an electronic format.
Please be guided accordingly.
International Business Unit
Ministry of International Business and Industry
March 18th, 2020.
